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diffusion resistance中文是什么意思

用"diffusion resistance"造句"diffusion resistance"怎么读"diffusion resistance" in a sentence


  • 扩散膜阻
  • 扩散阻力


  • Standard test methods for water vapor diffusion resistance and air flow resistance of clothing materials using the dynamic moisture permeation cell
  • But the comprehensive properties were improved remarkably . with the addition of carbon nanotubes , the polarization of charging process decreased , the plateau of discharge became flatter and the migration of potential of peaks value of cyclic voltemmograms reduced . for the other hand , the exchange current increased , ohm resistance and electrochemical reaction resistance of the electrodes decreased , the diffusion resistance of hydrogen and the resistance of adsorption decreased , too
  • The more is diffusion resistance , the less the oxygen quantity is . the even degree going through the diffusion layer and hydrophobic layer depends on relative change of diffusion resistance in crosswise and lengthways . if the diffusion resistance in crosswise is bigger , it will not benefit the oxygen distribution
用"diffusion resistance"造句  
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